This joint event, hosted by the European Centre and the University of Vienna, presented and discussed research results from FutureGEN and GenPath.
FutureGEN and GenPath joint policy dissemination event

This joint event, hosted by the European Centre and the University of Vienna, presented and discussed research results from FutureGEN and GenPath.
Afshin Vafaei gave a presentation in the session ‘Navigating integrated and transitional care’ at the Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference.
Taking a dynamic view of gender patterns in informal caregiving, Ricardo Rodrigues presented research findings from FutureGEN.
Cassandra Simmons presented findings from FutureGEN on the changes in gender inequality in provision of informal care across cohorts over time.
Selma Kadi gave a presentation titled ‘What contributes to ageing well? Perspective of older adults in Austria, Canada and Sweden’.
FutureGEN researchers presented 4 papers at the 5th Transforming Care Conference that took place online on 24-25 June 2021.
The FutureGEN team is pleased to present the Data Navigator, an open-access tool that compares gender and socioeconomic differences in health and long-term care use for community-dwelling older people (aged 65+ years) in Europe over time. The online webinar will take place
The FutureGEN project will hold a virtual PhD workshop on “Gender differences in health and care in old age” on 7-8 June, between 14h-16h. In this workshop, we will spend two afternoons discussing the gendered nature of health and caregiving in
The researchers of the FutureGEN research consortium welcome the initiative of the European Commission to publish the Green Paper on Ageing. We consider this an important stepping stone to deepen the discussion on ageing, its consequences and related policies in
Afshin Vafaei presented findings of our systematic review of methods used to study intersections of sex and social circumstances on older adults’ health at the Society for Epidemiologic Research on December 17, 2020. The presentation was delivered live online (due