On 23 November, the European Centre together with the University of Vienna hosted an online policy dissemination event to present results from two projects funded by the Gender-Era-Net program: FutureGEN and GenPath.
From FutureGEN, research on gender differences in informal caregiving and on perceived gender differences in ageing well was presented. For GenPath, results on social exclusion and transitions linked to a carer role were discussed. Ricardo Rodrigues and Selma Kadi presented findings from FutureGen, Andreas Motel-Klingenbiel and Anna Wanka talked about findings from GenPath.
The presentations were discussed by Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel (Interessensgemeinschaft Pflegender Angehöriger), Valentin Lambrev and Hermine Freitag (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund), Brigitte Juraszovich (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH) and Sonja Steinbauer (Fonds Soziales Wien). The event higlighted links between the two projects and the discussion included various ideas for taking the topics from the research projects further in policy making.