FutureGEN researchers presented 4 papers at the 5th Transforming Care Conference that took place online on 24-25 June 2021.
“An introduction to intersectionality theory and quantitative approaches for studying sex and social locations” by Susan Phillips (Queen’s University), Afshin Vafaei (Queen’s University), Yu Siu (Queen’s University), Ricardo Rodrigues (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research).
“Cohort specific disability trajectories among older women and men in Europe 2004-2017” by Stefan Fors (Karolinska Institute), Stefania Ilinca (European Cenre for Social Welfare Policy and Research), Janet Jull (Queen’s University), Selma Kadi (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research).
“Gender differences in access to community-based caring resources in old age: An examination of the effects of widowhood and living arrangements” by Stefania Ilinca(European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research), Ricardo Rodrigues (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research), Stefan Fors (Karolinska Institutet), Eszter Zolyomi (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research)
“Gendered cohort trajectories for informal care-giving in Europe between 2004 and 2015” by Ricardo Rodrigues (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research), Johan Rehnberg (Karolinska Institutet), Cassandra Simmons (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.