There is broad recognition that health outcomes are shaped both by individual and group characteristics such as sex, race, socio-economic status. Including categories that go beyond, for example, women and men to locate individuals at the intersections of social circumstances (e.g. Black woman) has been the focus of much theory and commentary. There is much less actual intersectional analysis although authors sometimes suggest that theirs is THE method. At the same time, social epidemiologists often study both within category and across category differences in health outcomes without naming intersectionality as such. We wished to act as a resource for those studying gender and health among older adults by systematically reviewing methods that have delivered intersectional analyses. The abstract and paper referred to below report on our somewhat epic review of an initial 9000+ papers. This is the first paper published by FutureGEN and will inform the methods we use going forward.
S.P. Phillips, Vafaei A., Yu S., Rodrigues, R. Ilinca, S. Zolyomi, E., Fors, S., SSM – Population Health